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Many artists have used food since the main materials in their outstanding works that are all very creative and "delicious." The use of food to produce artworks have experienced a lengthy history. This art necessitates the artist to make use of food as main materials within the creative process and making their artworks. For the time being, the talent has inspired more and more people. On observing a few of the portrait paintings kept for display in museums, we could infer merely one thing. These paintings are created in prehistoric times. This leads us to imagine that this art of portrayers were famous even in those historic times. Without these portraits, we would be unable to determine what Socrates might look like. Also, these paintings are said to portray not only the look from the subject. They include other details such as importance in the picture and so forth. Wildlife Conservation is the protection of varieties of life inhabiting the protected areas like national parks,wildlife sanctuaries.Its significance is in the fact that all living creatures include the thing about this complex but fragile web of life along with a slight disturbance can begin to play havoc using this web of life.The flora and fauna of this planet has been destroyed at an alarming pace and if sincere efforts are not provided with the proper time,an enormous socio-economic cost can be paid by us,humans.A variety of work is going on in the international levels to save & preserve the wildlife.A large number of living beings are stored on the verge of extinction like tigers,elephants,rhinoceros,snow leopards,giant pandas,bears,birds like siberian cranes,western tragopan,vultures.The disappearance of such mammals like tigers,lions,bears has emboldened the vested elements to destroy the forests his or her fearsome inhabitants disappear during these places.Worldwide work is created to create more areas as protected areas to ensure that a growing number of habitats could be given to these wildlife creatures.But the ever soaring adult population has posed most serious threat.More areas are transformed into concrete foests to accommodate the human being needs and greeds. Let me begin with saying I?ve never been a Michael Moore fan. Being a libertarian Conservative all of my voting life, I?ve for ages been in opposition to ?Socialized? medicine. However, firsthand expertise in the healthcare business the past 17 years indicates me our system of health care (comparable to our tax system and education system) is broken beyond repair. All the power the engine produces for acceleration should be controlled, and only brakes can perform that. In Orange County Porsche performance brakes assist in keeping a car's speed down particularly when making tight turns or zipping through tight traffic situations. Changing the brake fluid one per year and checking the brakes are necessary maintenance requirements any vehicle owner would excel to bear in mind. Specific phobia (also known as a simple phobia)