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The technology of photography is part chemical, part optical, and dates from 1839. Soon after its simultaneous invention by William Henry Fox Talbot in England and Louis Jacques Mand? Daguerre in France, photography was applied to document foreign tourist destinations including India, the Holy Land, along with the American West. It was also used by portraits with photographs taken of kings, statesman, and theater or literary personalities. Belief 4: I choose to ensure success. Successful people believe that they are doing the things they decide on, because they choose to do it. They have a dependence on self-determination. The more successful were, the more likely this is to be real. When we do what we should decide to do, were committed. When we do that which you need to do, were compliant. I have now made peace with all the idea that I cannot make people change. I can only enable them to get good at whatever they tend to change. Getting people that think ?I have chosen to succeed? to say ?and I decide to change? is just not a simple transition. The more we believe our behavior is caused by your own choices and commitments, the more unlikely we're to want to alter our behavior. Success Makes Us Superstitious These four success beliefs?that we contain the skills, confidence, motivation, and free choice to have success?make us superstitious to varying degrees. And, the larger we climb the totem pole, the harder superstitious we become.