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“Our entry for this award is a thank you to them for their vision and willingness to do things differently. It’s also a thank you to BEIS for the courage and far-sightedness they have shown in working constructively with industry to fit their approach to the needs and circumstances of UK manufacturing.” William with his fantastic friend Jason bring their bicycles to the attic, shrink themselves, and embark on a journey. They meet Sir Simon as they is getting ready to leave for any tournament, and they stay at his castle. They spend time with a boy along with a girl with the castle and together. The girl tells them of your omen her grandmother, Calendar, kept repeating before she died. Sir Simon sent Calendar away to the convent as he thought she was crazy and he will not believe the omen. Few accept it but Calendar's granddaughter does. Jason and William believe it too. I have acknowledged that desi ghee is less fattening then oil and other so called fat-free similar products. The concept behind this statement is desi ghee (butter oil from Buffalo milk) as naturally produced contains the tendency to have smoothly digested. Naturally produced foods are invariably beneficial and healthier than other forms.