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Companies have launched R and D department specifically performing researching the market work. Whether a small business is small or large it needs to know latest market statistics for deciding future business strategies. To gain competitive advantage, look for for hidden places to sale of products and retain customers can be important. There are some companies who've not gained success after research. The reason behind it can be improper way to do research. Following are normal barriers for small enterprises. If in a very room or building, Claustrophobia sufferers may constantly be checking for doorways and exits or standing near exits even during large rooms, and feeling fear when doors are closed. Smalls spaces like cars, planes and lifts ca also bring anxious feelings. In some cases being in these situations can bring on panic disorder, in extreme cases just going to a closed door may cause a Panic Attack. There are many reasons why geology is essential in life and to civilization. Think about earthquakes, landslides, floods, droughts, volcanic activity, ocean water currents (el Ni??o), kinds of soil, fuel oils, minerals (gold, silver, uranium), and the like. Geologists study all of these concepts. Thus, the research into geology plays a crucial role in todays modern life and civilization.