battle of edessa

After the battle of Verti?res, Dessalines has declared Haiti?s independence on January 1, 1804. After winning the Independence war, Dessalines met with all the heroic leaders and called upon Boirond-Tonnerre to publish the Declaration of Independence in the newly Republic, that has been then changed from French Saint-Domingue to Haiti. A few lines of Haiti?s Declaration of Independence by Boiron Tonnerre follow: ?In order to write the Declaration of our Independence, we need to contain the skin of an White man (Frenchman) for parchment, his skull for inkstand, his blood for ink along with a bayonet for pen?. Dessalines was then chosen by way of a council of generals (blacks and mulattos) to imagine the office of Governor-General. Nine months later, he proclaimed himself Emperor Jacques 1er in September 1804 and ruled Haiti until his assassination on October 17, 1806. The Los Angeles Lakers star, also the current Dancing With The Stars season 13 contestant formerly famous for Ron Artest officially became Metta World Peace on Friday September 16 whenever a Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner approved his request to alter his name, which reflects the non-public change he's undergone during the last decade. Earlier in September, World Peace explained this is of his new name to ESPN: "Metta will probably be the first name plus it means like friendship, love and kindness," he shared. "World Peace is going to be the last name, so everybody can prepare to purchase their World Peace jerseys." Let's take some minutes to have a look at Ron Artest-Metta World Peace 31-year life in pictures.