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The Samsung ES8000 SMART TV contains dual microphones and a HD camera rendering it an ideal tool for in person (Skype) calls sufficient reason for its revolutionary voice, gesture and face recognition you don't need to look searching beneath the couch for your TV remote. With a simple 'Hi TV' you'll be able to turn the ES8000 on and then simply say something such as 'Web Browser' to travel web do what you may please. From here the gesture recognition gets control of and with a wave of the hand you'll be able to select applications, use the Internet and increase the volume. Lighting- Lighting is the most main reasons of any type of photography. It is a significant element which you'll want to use to generate different effects. With light, you are able to put more emphasis on your main subject while eliminating the unnecessary parts or illuminating the secondary parts. Light can be major in creating the climate in photos. Light also results in forms, textures, and depth. It helps define the niche therefore it becomes clearer. 5. The concentration of their language