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If you do not like the image currently showing, right-click on the desktop again and choose "Next desktop background" to see another one. The images will cycle automatically after an interval giving you something stunning to look at. The definition of an anxiety disorder also includes an impairment of day-to-day functioning. A person with an anxiety disorder often experiences a significantly reduced quality of life and anxiety disorders are associated with possibly fatal heart conditions. Cognitive distortions are defined being as the errors or misconceptions of the mental capability that might dominantly lead to mood disorders and anxiety attacks. They are also regarded as a fashion of thinking that have side effects for the patients which will make them separated themselves from today's world and also the reality. There are various cognitive distortions that cognitive therapists and specialists are actually in a position to identify among Obsessive Compulsive patients. It is very challenging and challenging to assess and identify cognitive distortions among patients. These distortions seen on patients are generally part of psychological therapies for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. On observing a few of the portrait paintings kept for display in museums, we could infer merely one thing. These paintings are created in prehistoric times. This leads us to imagine that this art of portrayers were famous even in those historic times. Without these portraits, we would be unable to determine what Socrates might look like. Also, these paintings are said to portray not only the look from the subject. They include other details such as importance in the picture and so forth. 2. How aggressive they may be