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When a plan is finally formulated it usually looks something like this; you are going on a diet of some kind and if you are really motivated start a workout program. This makes sense because everybody knows that the fewer calories we take in the more fat we are able to lose. Add jogging a few times a week plus some sit-up and before long that rebellious stomach is going to be put back in its place. "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth in the dragon, out from the mouth with the beast, and out with the mouth with the false prophet. For those are the spirits of demons , performing signs, which are in the market to the kings in the earth and in the whole world, to assemble these phones the battle of the great day of God Almighty." Rev. 16:13,14. (It's the battle of Armaggedon - [see verse 16], that involves the worlds leaders [vs 14] and comes about after time, as Jesus announces He is planning to return [see vs 15]). A lot of nutritionists state that as a way to shed off those unwanted pounds, it's really not about eating less, but exercising more. Although this is absolutely true, it doesn't mean that people can eat whatever they like provided that they exercise. In fact, research shows that some meals, especially those purchased in fast-food chains, could actually convey more calories than one could burn in a 30-minute workout. Thus, the need to watch what one eats. Below are the greasiest and most calorie-packed meals of many of the most popular fast-food chains on the planet.