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Smoke is released from cigarettes which is the normal reason of smoking. It also affects the skin of body. It causes dark circles or black shadow on lips, and discoloration of teeth. Moreover if your person doesn't really covers his teeth it may ultimately cause full decay of teeth. Moreover it is now proved that living a proper life by not smoking is the greatest way of preventing diseases. People who are desperate for love will attract the unsuspecting Empath in their mind. The innocent Empath often pays the cost of their kindness. It's a natural tendency to the person in pain to love their rescuer. Lines tend to get blurred. The Empath often gets hurt in the process. I have experienced this myself. It's painful to the Empath to view someone else experiencing emotional distress. I have personally been drawn into other people's suffering this way. I find myself being released these situations disoriented and wondering so what happened. Van Gogh began his work relying on the Dutch Masters. He was intrigued by the Masters' ability to have fun with shadow and lightweight. He also found an association in the painting of common events and/or people. For instance, The Potato Eaters captures a small grouping of peasants sitting yourself down for any meal. The painting is dark, yet, light radiates from your faces.