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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Chicken tops this list of dangerous foods. According to the Union's consumers, 42 percent of 484 broiler chickens tested infected by Campylobacter jejuni and 12 percent contaminated with Salmonella enterides. Moreover, grilled chicken contains dangerous-high degrees of a carcinogenic compound. This is the reason why it ranks the most notable in a very new list of the five worst foods to grill. Cancer Project dietitians learned that grilled chicken contains thousands of nanograms of HCAs that have been also seen in grilled steak, pork, salmon and hamburger. In addition, chicken also ranks first because it's essentially the most consumed food worldwide. Muscle Milk contains MSG (mono-sodium glutamate), and this is really a neuro-toxin. Now glutamate is really a common neurotransmitter within our brain and is also naturally occurring. Glutamate attaches itself to neurotransmitters and excites them in order to function properly. But if your neurotransmitters get too excited then you'll get damage occurring with your brain. Therefore, when shooting in macro, it is easy to get a shallow depth of field if utilizing a large aperture. We often make use of the F8, F11, F13 such small, and medium-sized aperture to look at photograph to ensure the photo has clear range. If you use a 100mm macro lens to shoot the insects' close-up, even with the F13 aperture, the depth of field is extremely shallow, and sometimes need to utilize the manual focus function to carefully adjust the focus position to spotlight your eyes of insects to make the image more vivid.