
6. The use of smaller words and shorter sentences Sophie Mapuis, awared as "forever love" by French men. She has big bright and brown eyes. In her image, we could start to see the sexy from the westerns as well as the mstery of easterns. All in all, she was simply oozing with charm. She played a role in "laboum"(1980) when she was just 14. Once the film carried in to the screen, this film attracted thousands of audiences. Her fist role in the play made the feeling on everybody who discovered it. Through this film, she became a new star in France moviedom. During the next five years she appeared in 3 films, laboum2(1982), fortsaganne(1984) and joyeusespues(1984). Until 1985, she met polaand famous director Andrei Zulawski, she became to do something wildly in her following films, like lamourbraque(1985), lafid??lit??(2000). Her acting made progress on this process, then she developed to the most bright and exquisite sexy belle in European. Ben Feldman was just about the most prolific insurance agents on the globe. From 1942 to his death in 1993 he sold $1,800,000,000 of Life Insurance for New York Life. During his life he held the entire world record for products sold by the salesman inside a career, 12 months ($100,000,000), and in the single day ($20,000,000). Near the end of his career, his annual commission totals were over $1,000,000 each year. Here are the ?Sales Secrets? for Mr. Feldman?s success:" After the battle of Verti?res, Dessalines has declared Haiti?s independence on January 1, 1804. After winning the Independence war, Dessalines met with all the heroic leaders and contacted Boirond-Tonnerre to create the Declaration of Independence in the newly Republic, that was then changed from French Saint-Domingue to Haiti. A few lines of Haiti?s Declaration of Independence by Boiron Tonnerre follow: ?In order to write down the Declaration of our Independence, we have to have the skin of a White man (Frenchman) for parchment, his skull for inkstand, his blood for ink along with a bayonet for pen?. Dessalines was then chosen with a council of generals (blacks and mulattos) to assume the office of Governor-General. Nine months later, he proclaimed himself Emperor Jacques 1er in September 1804 and ruled Haiti until his assassination on October 17, 1806.