Communal coaches include 2 dining cars per train, lounges and one observation coach bringing up the rear. The observation coach has enlarged windows to allow for greater panoramic views of passing countryside and also has an outdoor platform. Old world grace and charm are the keywords for the dining cars with their wood panels, soft candle light dinners and exquisite local and international cuisine served with South African wines. How long can it take to remove scarred tissues with lemon juice? It depends. I can't tell you for several. It could be as low as a few days, and yes it will take several months. It's probably somewhere between the two figures. It depends over a lots of different things - your skin type as an example. If you only apply the fresh lemon juice every now and again, then that can have an impact at the same time. You can deal with the 2nd one - just be in step with your treatments. The first one (your skin type) can have a larger impact then you certainly otherwise might prefer it to get.