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8. Their relationship on the person that they are attempting to persuade Listening to music is quite soothing for many individuals. Regardless of our culture and background people the world over wish to hear songs and sing along or hum the melodies. Music often puts things into perspective mainly because it expresses emotion and strikes certain chords that we couldn't know existed. People react differently whenever they hear certain songs or beats of music. When you offer your clients everything they desire in one place, they're more unlikely to move someplace else. An all-in-one salon will give you a business edge on other salons in your town. It would be good for give a selection of services including hair, makeup, nails, Swedish massage, sauna, facial treatments and the entire body scrubs. Make your beauty salon the best sanctuary start by making it a one-stop look for beauty treatments. Customers welcome the prospect of never being forced to jump between salons as truly relaxing and stress-free. Flickr: Jason Bache: