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It was on February 27th, 1892 that Diesel filed a patent inside the patent office in Germany for his method and design to the combustion engine. He sourced contracts from firms that manufactured machines and began his experimentation stage. During this stage he constructed working types of his design so as to construct the most efficient engine of these time. For a lot of people, progressing to the gym may be the hardest step. However, some, who did hit the gym, plan to give up because they see no significant result after making long and hard efforts. The problem lies in the fact that hitting the fitness center is not enough. It is necessary to have effective exercise program. 3. How confident they may be Darkness and lightweight are themes that run heavily through Van Gogh's work. Darkness and light reflected his wish create beauty, his feelings of inadequacy, and the desire to touch the souls of males. For instance, Starry Night draws the viewer to the painting of your sleeping village using its swirls of light and it is rich evening sky. Before going into battle a soldier should prepare. To wear the proper armour and obtain hold of a shield and sword. The armour protects from harm as well as the sword kills unhealthy guy. You also must be fighting fit. It's the same once you battle against yourself. You need protection from dangerous illusions and also to be with right knowledge and understanding.