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The Anglo Sikh wars are a part of history. In these wars the British faced a determined Khalsa Fauj (Army) in battle after the demise of Maharajah Ranjit Singh. The rulers at Lahore who succeeded Ranjeet Singh, was without his caliber and fortitude and allowed the state to drift. They also thought it recommended that you attack the English, to keep the Khalsa Army occupied. A digital PHR also ensures the provision of your respective health information in a legible form and facilitates the flow of these information between and healthcare provider(s) whether only one physician is treating you or several doctors are participating with your care. Information within the record might be conveyed to your health-care provider(s) verbally, on the internet out form, digitally with an external medium say for example a usb flash drive, and perhaps via the Internet just before office visits. This ease of transfer of medical information is important seeing that 18% of medical errors result from inadequate use of patient information. Moreover, medical records are generally lost, doctors retire, hospitals or HMOs purges old records in order to save space for storage, and employers frequently change group medical health insurance plans causing patients having to change doctors and request for transfer medical records that are sometimes illegible. Despite efforts for the us government to encourage doctors to maintain medical records with a computer, i.e. utilize electronic medical records (EMRs) also referred to as electronic health records (EHRs) so that you can reduce errors, the very fact with the matter is only 5% of doctors keep medical records using the pc and a lot of which may have purchased EMRs have never effectively implemented them or continued to use them in their practices. The Samsung ES8000 SMART TV contains dual microphones along with a HD camera so that it is the ideal tool for face to face (Skype) calls along with its revolutionary voice, gesture and face recognition you don't need to travel searching within the couch to the TV remote. With a simple 'Hi TV' it is possible to turn the ES8000 on after which simply say something such as 'Web Browser' to visit online and do what you may please. From here the gesture recognition takes over with a wave of the hand you'll be able to select applications, use the Internet and boost the volume. Yoga still plays crucial role during my life. Unfortunately, lot depends on the teacher. My present teacher will be the least experienced as being a teacher and I find difficult she will not correct us to enhance our poses and our posture. This is a restorative class where I go now to gradually get back after my back problem. Her sequencing along with the structure with the class is very inconsistent. However, in the past I was extremely fortunate to do business with very experienced yogis both as practitioners and teachers. There is no doubt that cosmetic surgery is extremely good at creating a dazzling smile. Chipped or cracked teeth might be replaced with brand-new and totally real looking dental implants. Discoloured teeth might be whitened and brightened with a lifetime of tooth whitening and completely crooked teeth may be substituted for perfectly straight and clean white teeth over the advance of porcelain veneers. There are many different possibilities open in order to build a truly dazzling smile. Cosmetic dentistry can repair damaged teeth the result of a trauma, aging, illness or abnormalities. 9. Their emotional appeal