locomotion of an earthworm

Photo Credit: Giorgos Gotsis ' Grains and pulses: Whole grain and cereals include a host of nutrients and bioactive substances which may have health-promoting effects. Cereal grains will be the world's single biggest source of food energy. Grains including quinoa come in great demand, a moist, grain-like crop much like couscous in dimensions. Oats can be a slimming breakfast food par excellence, but there is more for them than porridge. Oats are loaded with good fats and they release their energy slowly, keeping you dealing with long days. In fact, you need to use oats to make all kinds of treats like cereal bars, biscuits and cakes, so when topping for oven-baked dishes to add crunch. Lentils can be a huge supply of vegetable protein, minerals and fibre. It thus becomes imperative to incorporate them within our meals. Sandpainting has recently turned into a hot-trend art appealing a person's eye from a lot of people at ages young and old. As to be known that sandpainting will be the art of pouring colored sands with pigments from minerals or crystals. Those pigments are extracted from other natural or synthetic sources onto a surface to create a sandpainting. In the old days, sandpaintings or drypaintings are ritual paintings being used for religious ceremonies. Sandpainting is ever used often by Native Americans inside the Southwestern United States, by Tibetan monks, by Indians, by Australian Aborigines, and also by Latin Americans on Christian holy days. Streets in Europe are decorated with sandpaintings symbolizing the fleeting nature of life. However, sandpainting has nowadays been seen as an fun, even it's been brought into schools as being a supplementary subject. Let\'s have a look at probably the most stunning images of sandpaintings as follows. Karwa Chauth is surely an occasion in Indian marriage, which strengthens the marriage bond of the bride and groom and makes them realise the power of their wedding. Karwa Chauth is celebrated every year in most of the Indian families. The festival is celebrated three days after the full moon of the kartik month. It is a kind of tribute paid to the wedding bond, by the bride. The fast is kept by the Indian bride to gain blessings from god for their happy and everlasting married life. Loads of blessings and gifts are also received by the Indian bride, from her relatives and elder people in the family. This is a very auspicious occasion and every Indian bride tries to stand true on the sanctity of the belief and the power of this fast. Women fasting for the first time, after their married life are very excited about the whole process and seeks guidance from her family members. The Oscar winner Halle Berry along with the Canadian model Gabriel Aubry have dated since late 2005 and welcomed the daughter Nahla Ariela Aubry in 2008. However, after their split up in April 2010, there is a surprisingly nasty custody battle over the 3-year-old daughter Nahla. While Halle blasted the model just as one unfit parent, Aubry claimed that Halle never was around her daughter.