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Karwa chauth is a very special occasion in the life of every Indian married woman. Wedding bond in itself is the starting to a new life, which changes the whole definition of the life of bride and groom. Marriage gives new meanings to life of the bride and groom and gives them a reason to cherish every moment with their loved one. Fasting whole day, without water and food is not at all easy, but Indian women do this for the long and happy life of their husbands. This is a tradition, which has been followed by the Indian women from ages and every year they fast for the prosperity of their husbands. Though, this may seem very vague, but Indians have very firm belief in this practise and they do this with full dedication. A salute should be given to the Indian women, who celebrate this festival with such conviction and do not even drink a sip of water for the whole day. Let's face it, for some people each day living experiences and even the thought of getting out of bed could be like a theatre of war but this faction, in the main, will have been produced by our own perception and attitude to things while they happen. In other words, these battles only rage in the heads and also the good news is the fact that all the weapons we should instead achieve victory and control the situations facing us, may also be in your heads, minds, brains or whatever we perceive because the omnipotent force controlling our thoughts and actions. For present purposes, let's use "minds" as the controlling force. Now, we simply need to trigger and prime our "virtual" weapons as a way to march on. I will immediately point out that your comments ought to I have just made are certainly not meant to apply to those being affected by serious mental disorder and certainly to never our brave men and women presently experiencing real wars. They have God?s and our blessings. “None of the homeowners featured on the show know they’ve been chosen to receive a home makeover – it’s a surprise, so I can’t say any more about the episode we’re involved in at the moment. You’ll have to tune in and see it for yourself!” Making the idea of becoming a home-based bridal consultant come true is an excellent choice for an entrepreneur ' even for one who might be new to the home office setup or taking the leap from paid employment to contract work. One should be naturally equipped with strong problem-solving and interpersonal skills as well as the ability to maintain grace under fire. The 61-year-old Bee Gee singer Robin Gibb may be reported to experience treatment for liver cancer for months. Last month, Robin Gibb attemptedto deny rumors about his health proclaiming that 'I'm feeling great, absol-utely great.' but he continues to be seen in public looking increasingly frail. Last week, the star was come to hospital from his Oxfordshire home. He also spent five hours in hospital on Tuesday before being taken back home.