describe the locomotion of a leech on land

3. How confident they are When a lot of people picture a fire extinguisher, the picture that's called to mind belongs to a CO2 extinguisher. With their large, metals cylinders of bright red and hard horns, these fire extinguishers have been installed as an emergency measure in homes and businesses for generations. Carbon dioxide extinguishers could be differentiated from similar extinguishers through the lack of any kind of pressure gauge at the top of the tank. Karaoke is more popular than ever and countless fans around the world are jumping on the bandwagon which are more popular revolution in personal musical entertainment to come along in decades. After all, who doesn't desire like a famous singer? With Karaoke, even the least talented crooner includes a opportunity for that big "moment" within the spotlight when everything comes together. Let me begin with saying I?ve never been a Michael Moore fan. Being a libertarian Conservative all of my voting life, I?ve for ages been in opposition to ?Socialized? medicine. However, firsthand expertise in the healthcare business the past 17 years indicates me our system of health care (comparable to our tax system and education system) is broken beyond repair. The preparations for that royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Where's Wally World Record comes about in Dublin, soccer tournament for robots opens in Germany, Volunteers in London raise the understanding cancer of the breast, a human wall was made in Manchester city, and etc are a couple of very impressive news in the previous week.