support movement and locomotion

If only computer commands like "ctrl-alt-del" or "ctrl-z" can be applied to human life, then getting back together together with your ex is effortless and nobody will dare ask themselves on the best way to undo being dumped. But as everyone understands, life doesn't work doing this. When being dumped already happened, both of you might be struggling to get away from the painful path towards recovery. However the humans living on the spaceship were different to the humans who will be living on earth now. They were so fat them to be struggling to walk. they travelled around in motorised chairs using a computer screen and cup & straw attached, chatting on phones and if they happened to fall out they only laid there until a robot arrived and picked them up. The adults were fat, your children were fat! They just laid around all day meals doing no exercise what so ever and to quote the captain, "Computer, define dancing".