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If you are not content with the images provided with Windows 7, click the "Get more themes online" option. You will be taken to a page on the Microsoft Windows 7 Web site where you can choose from dozens more packs of art to download. Click the download link and choose "Open" from the dialog box that appears, your chosen theme will automatically be installed and activated. Those that support animal testing claim that is a necessary practice. They explain that businesses that rely on animal testing do use humane ways to feed, house and care for the animals. Supporters also claim that alternatives to animal testing aren't as far reaching, lacking the opportunity to figure out how cosmetic products affect living tissue and organs. Proper diet and nutrition is an element of the overall system to lose weight naturally. Your body needs fuel to work. You have to supply it with the appropriate nutrients throughout the day. This is how the body can get the enery it needs to ensure you get from the days activities.Your body will demand a certain amount of calories simply to function normally. This is called your resting metabolism. Consuming an adequate variety of calories to arrive at your resting metabolic process eventually will allow you to efficiently burn calories to lose weight. The explanation for this is if one's body is struggling to discover fuel to function it will set out to burn calories from needed supplies for energy including lowering your muscles. You want to accomplish getting your body to the level where it has enough energy stores that it is going to burn calories from extra fat vs. muscle mass.