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Women love flowers, the same is true many female artists. In the "Mother and Son" and "Small Troupe" series oil painting works manufactured by Yan-ping, flowers will often be been seen, moreover, she even offers made a number of independent still life flowers, she painted large Gerbera, peony, etc.. From those flowers completely bloom, Yan-ping not just has seen vitality and joy, rich colors, but boasts seen declines in the event the flowers walk from bloom to fade, with flowers appear and vanish she enjoyed bitters and sweets of life, along with the short life. Research has shown that singing is an essential precursor to understanding how to speak. The way we sing might sound completely different for the way we speak in sentences, but songs actually contain a large amount of important characteristics individuals native language. Researchers believe that singing is a crucial section of helping your youngster develop the text skills essential for their nursery and school education. The study of geology also encompasses Earth processes which can affect overall civilization. An earthquake can destroy a large number of lives in a few minutes. Also, tsunamis, floods, landslides, droughts, and volcanic activity may have an enormous influence on civilization. Geologists study those processes and can recommend action plans to minimize damage in the event that such events will occur. For example, by studying flood patterns of rivers, geologists can recommend areas to stop when building new cities,towns, and residential neighborhoods in order to prevent future damage. Earthquake science, although a very difficult division of study, might help minimize problems for life and civilization by estimating where earthquakes are likely to occur (referred to as fault lines) also to recommend the technology to use within the construction of buildings over these vulnerable areas.