chicago style in text citation

It is clear the two perspectives will certainly draw swords against the other quite often. Although many people agree that efficient markets are best for everyone, the steps that government have to take to obtain there often run counter for the microeconomic interests of business. Sometimes a merger should be blocked to foster competition. Sometimes disclosures must be legislated to ensure clientele may make informed decisions. And sometimes certain activities must be regulated or prohibited so that some usually are not financially harmed by others. However the humans living on the spaceship were different to the humans who will be living on earth now. They were so fat them to be struggling to walk. they travelled around in motorised chairs using a computer screen and cup & straw attached, chatting on phones and if they happened to fall out they only laid there until a robot arrived and picked them up. The adults were fat, your children were fat! They just laid around all day meals doing no exercise what so ever and to quote the captain, "Computer, define dancing". There are several specialty products to completely clean stains from cats. These products are often over-priced as they are gear specifically to focus on cat urine. But, anyone who has tried these items know they don't work. Often times, they may be watered down, soapy, or higher scented. I can not show you the number of products I used before I finally found one that worked. Some would get rid of the stain, until it absolutely was dry and I just realized the stain wasn't gone, it had been just watered down. Some would remove the smell, but only by masking it which has a pine or citrus smell. Once that masking smell faded, the urine smell would be in the same way strong since the day it was discovered.