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3, the vaccination site, such as redness, swelling, heat, pain, inflammatory reaction if the symptom is lighter, and the diameter of the red area is lesser, early should be within 24 hours with a clean towel cold compress, control the development of inflammation, after 24 hours to clean the hot towel hot compress promote inflammation, early one all the time, about 10 min each time, until the inflammatory reaction disappeared completely. The vaccination site appear scleroma, parents can on the partial discharge of induration clean, dry towel, and hot water bag is put on the towel, one time in the early, middle and late every day, every 10 minutes. However, it is important to remind that the BCG vaccine and other attenuated vaccine can not be applied to the heat of the towel, otherwise it will affect the effect of the inoculation. The nurses are few, the patient is many, is I from July 1984 to attend nursing work till now, has not solved the difficult problem. This is not something that a nurse can solve, but a nurse who needs to be put to the attention of the government. "The nurse management approach" and "the regulations on the nurse, expressly provides for hospital beds and the proportion of nurses is 1-0. 4, but carry out to every department of the hospital, is short of this standard. When I was working in a beachhead hospital, 10 nurses were responsible for more than 100 inpatients, except for outpatient patients. In longhui county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, the conditions are better, and now there are 14 nurses who are responsible for the treatment of 50 or 60 hospitalized patients (there are only 52 beds in the ward, but often extra beds). When no one can replace or help we nurse care of the patient, we are going to the hospital leadership many times is useless, because the increase of the nursing staff is always can't keep up with the increase of number of patients, because when recruiting nurses, may not have enough nurses to apply for, as well as the nurse outflow phenomenon. Can't change the reality, can only change myself, nurse only work hard, to explain to patients' families more, guide them how to observe his condition, make the patient's life care, psychological care, medication nursing, functional exercise, etc., the patient very family cooperation can be achieved, to reach the expected effect of treatment and care, to avoid mistake on accident. Sometimes, nurses have to ask the doctor to help us to work together, even if they watch a office or (later only a nurse to work the night shift, nurses to ward rounds, or treatment and care, no one in the office, someone to come to the office to find doctors and nurses to do, or how someone stole drug treatment), or even please guard escort situation as well. "Aunt, please help me to look after, I go to the ward to give a patient infusion, the catheter, have a bed to call me." Fatty meats won't build muscle instead they are going to allow you to fat. If you want to get buff the correct way, slowly change maintain a diet with lean meat for example fish, chicken and turkey as they are full of protein and essential amino acids which will build muscles. Amino acids in the body can help break the protein into more vital units. In body building, you try to build muscle, and the main body building involves some breaking so you will be needing protein to assist repair the muscles right away. When heating, if the body temperature does not reach 38.5 degrees, it is better not to take the antipyretic medicine, can try physical cooling, including drinking water, warm water bath, hot stick and so on. Only if the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, it is necessary to use the antipyretic medicine, taking the medicine and encouraging the child to drink more water, so as to increase the skin's heat dissipation, increase urination and so on, and achieve the effect of controlling body temperature. When heating, do not cover the child to sweat, can cause the water in the body to be lost through the skin, may appear "dehydrated" phenomenon. Use ice packs or ice stickers to remove some of the heat from the skin, but the local skin vessels contract and the cooling effect is limited. In addition to drinking lots of water, you can also take hot baths and hot wet compresses to help heat the heat. Parents should wash their hands carefully before and after the treatment of diarrhea, preventing cross infection. The child should change the diaper in time after each defecate, wash the anus and the surrounding with lukewarm water, prevent the hip and the urinary tract infection. If you already have a hip red, you can apply a tannic acid ointment or aureomycin ointment or fish liver oil. When children diarrhea in severe cases, the parents have to take children see a doctor in time, don't forget to bring the child to move bowels, don't use cotton swabs collected, let the child was in a small, dry, plastic box, to the hospital.

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